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Public Education in Great Britain (загальна освіта у Британії)

       Education in Great Britain is compulsory and free for all children. Schooling is compulsory for 12 years, for all children aged five to 16. Nine tenth of all children are educated in state schools.
       Compulsory education begins at 5, but 3-and 4-year-olds can receive education in nursery school or in nursery classes in primary schools.
       Children attend a primary school from 5 to 11. Primary education may place in two separate schools: Infant schools and Junior schools. The first years of schooling are very important. They are the foundation of every child's education. There is talking and listening, reading and writing and an introduction to Mathematics and Science. The Juniors are streamed according to their abilities to learn into the A-B-and C-streams. The brightest go into the A-stream, the least gifted are put into the C-stream.
       Between 1945 to 1965 secondary education in Britain was largely selective. Towards the end of their 4 year in the Junior school, all the pupils had to pass their 11 examination which consisted of 3 selective tests. On the results of the tests the pupils were sent to one of the main 3 types of secondary school - grammar, technical or modern. This division has proved to be inadequate: most of the parents and progressive teachers have long campaigned to have the 11 exam abolished and demanded equal opportunities for all children. But still in some parts of the country you may meet the abolished exam.
       Thus, a new type of school - the comprehensive school, has recently been set up, according to the Education Act of 1988 that introduced a National Curriculum for children aged 5-16 in all state schools in England and Wales. It consists of 10 subjects which all the children must study at school: English, Mathematics, Science, Modern foreign languages, Technology and Design, History, Geography, Music, Art, P.T. Schools can offer other subjects in addition to those in the National Curriculum.
       Some parents prefer to send their children to independent schools. This private sector includes the so-called public schools,-some of them are known all over the world, e.g. Eton College, Harrow College, Cheltenham Ladies College, etc. They are mostly boarding schools where the pupils live and study. Today only 16 percent of pupils in private section of education attend boarding schools.
       Normally entrance is by examination, known as Common Entrance. These are only for the select few, who can afford money to pay tuition at these privileged educational establishments. About three million students enroll each year in part-time courses at further education (FE). Colleges and there is a much smaller proportion of full-time training.
       There are 22 universities in Great Britain; a university consists of a number of faculties: Medicine, Engineering, Commerce and Education. After 3 years of study a student may get a Bachelor degree and then proceed to the degrees of Master and Doctor. The leading universities are Oxford, Cambridge (Oxbridge) and London. English universities differ from each other in date of foundation, history, traditions, general organization, methods of instruction, the way of students' life, etc. Besides universities there are some higher technical educational institutions. One should say, not many children are able to receive a Higher Education, as the fees are rather high.
       In spite of high fees, Britain's universities, FE colleges and English language schools host a large number of foreign students.

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english "Public Education in Great Britain (загальна освіта у Британії)" з предмету "Англійська мова". Робота є оригінальною та абсолютно унікальною, тобто знайти її на інших ресурсах мережі Інтернет просто неможливо. Дата та час публікації: 10.07.2010 в 22:29. Автором даного матеріалу є Олег Вернадський. З моменту опублікування роботи її переглянуто 1436 та скачано 81 раз(ів). Для ознайомлення з відгуками щодо роботи натисніть [перейти до коментарів]. По п'ятибальній шкалі користувачі порталу оцінили роботу в "5.0" балів.

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