Головна » Реферати » Реферати 1 курс » Англійська мова

UN (Прапор Великобританії)

       This is the popular name given it the flag of the Great Britain. Actually it is called the Union Flag and it is a mixture of several flags. It all began in 1606 when Scotland was joined to England and Wales. The Scottish flag, St. Andrew’s Cross, blue with a white cross from corner to corner, was joined to the English Flag, St. George’s Cross, with a red cross. The flag of St. George can still be seen on churches in England. Later, in 1801, when Ireland was joined to the union, as it called, the Irish Flag of St. Patrich’s Cross was added, white with a red cross from corner to corner. In this may the English people got the Union Flag which is red, white and blue. King James The Third (1566-1622) ordered that the Union Flag should be flown on the main mast of all British ships, except on ships of war. Here the flag was flown at the front of the bowsprit. The end of the bowsprit was called the Jake Star and so we get the name of Union Jack. A "jack”, by the may, is an old nord for the sailor. The Union Jack is also on the flags of Australia and New Zealand.

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