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Types of sentences (on the basis of the book “the murder at the vicarage” by Agatha Christie)


Chapter Ι. Theoretical notions about sentence..…..….4
1.1. Structural classification of sentence:.…4
1.1.1. the simple sentence and its classification;…..…..5
1.1.2. the compound sentence and its different types of coordination;…...7
1.1.3. the complex sentence and classification of subordinate clauses according to the grammatical function…...…11
1.2. Communicative types of sentences:.33
1.2.1. the declarative sentence;..33
1.2.2. the interrogative sentence;...…34
1.2.3. the imperative sentence;…..….39
1.2.4. the exclamatory sentence.40
Chapter ΙΙ. The usage of different kinds of sentence in the book “The Murder at the Vicarage” by Agatha Christie.42


The topic of our work is “The types of sentence”. It deals with the meaning of sentence and its classifications. It is important to realize that the sentence is the basic unit of communication distinguished from all other units by its predicativity, reference to speech situation. One of the primary characteristics of the sentence lies in the fact that it can stand alone as a piece of communication, completing an idea by itself.
The object of our course paper is the process of analysis of a sentence, the peculiarities of the classifications and the structure of the sentence.
The subject of our research work is types of sentences in the book “The Murder at the Vicarage” by Agatha Christie.
The purpose of our investigation is to study different approaches, the principles of classifications of sentences and to analyze the key aspects of the types of sentences.
To achieve the aim the following tasks have been put:
1. To give the definition of the sentence and its meaning.
2. To study the classifications of the sentence according to their structure and their role in the process of communication.
3. To analyze the usage of different types of sentence in the book “The Murder et the Vicarage” by Agatha Christie.
Our course paper consists of Introduction, Chapter Ι, Chapter ΙΙ, Conclusions and References.
In the Introduction we define the object and the subject of the course paper, point out the aim and the tasks of the investigation, give the description of the structure of our research work.
Chapter Ι contains general information about sentence, its meaning and morphological structure, describes different types of sentences and gives the information about them.
Chapter ΙΙ provides the analysis of different types of sentences on the bases of the book “The Murder at the Vicarage” by Agatha Christie.
Conclusions generalize the result of our research work.
References include the list of used sources, literature on the topic of the course paper.


In our course paper we have investigated the meaning and the function of a sentence. The aim of our research work is achieved and the main tasks are fulfilled.
1. We have pointed out the definition of sentence, its meaning and morphological structure. The most common definition of sentence is the following:
A sentence is a unit of speech whose grammatical structure conforms to the laws of the language and which serves as the chief means of conveying a thought. A sentence is not only a means of communicating something about reality but also a means of showing the speaker’s attitude to it.
It is the basic unit of communication distinguished from all other units by its predicativity, reference to speech situation. Predicativity makes the sentence a unit of special level and characterized it as a whole.
2. We have studied different types of sentence and the peculiarities of its classifications. According to the structural classification there are simple, compound and complex sentence. According to the purpose of the utterance we distinguished the declarative, the interrogative, imperative and the declamatory sentences.
3. We analyzed the usage of different types of sentence on the basis of the book “The Murder at the Vicarage” by Agatha Christie.

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