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History of the power of sport in Ukraine (Історія виникнення силових видів спорту на Україні)


The sources of origin of modern power types of sport can be found in Ancient Greece. Already in those times people defended the ideas of harmony of body and spirit, giving advantage to aesthetic education. The ancient Greek sculptors developed the canons of beauty, that was built on the optimal proportions of man.
On verge of 19-20 century in Russia and a weightlifting purchased on Ukraine of considerable distribution. One of prominent representatives of athletics was F.Kraievskyi, that in 1885 in Saint Petersburg founded "Group of athletics lovers", where sportsmen engaged in power exercises, boxing, gymnastics. The members of group tried to develop not only maximal force but also attain in the development sizes of muscles of the ancient Greek athletes. Analogical groups were created in Moscow, Kyiv, Riga. The Kyiv doctor is. F.Garnych, in February in 1895 founded the Kyiv athletics group. Kyiv athletics society brought up the wonderful sportsmen-record-holders of Russia and world, winners of all-russian championships and olympiads by then – K.Pavlenka, F.Grynenka, S.Tonkopeia, M.Urytskogo, P.Latushkina, I.Mernogo, O.Krasovskogo and others.
Specialists in that time developed the methods of increase of force and forming of good muscles, already by then had the followers. F.Kraievskyi worked out the original system and to development of force, O.K.Anochin - author of the system of gantel gymnastics. O.Zas worked out methodology of the isometric training in combination with dynamic exercises and invented a resilient spray dynamometer. Zas surprised an audience the power numbers - caught hands a 90-kilogram kernel.
In 1897 the first All-russian championship Took place from a weightlifting, where participants competed in five exercises with burdens: the press, jerk and push by two hands, to the push and jerk one-arm, and also - in free exercises.
On verge of centuries athletics magazines "Oat-flakes" were given out in Ukraine, "Beauty and force", proposed power exercises.
In 1912 Clubs and groups of weightlifting united in the All-russian union of weight-lifters, and in 1913 this union entered to the International amateur union of weight-lifters. International congress of union in 1913 in Berlin accepted the row of important decisions. Under the name a "weightlifting" three types of sport developed: raising of weight, boxing and fight. For weight-lifters confirmed the only program of competitions : jerk and push by dissimilar hands, pushing of weight, and for commands - overtightening of rope. Athletes began to come forward in five gravimetric categories: to 60; 67,5; 75; 82,5; over 82,5 kg.
In 1919 Moscow ligue that began to manage development of this sport instead of the All-russian union is Created. In 1923 the first championship of the USSR, on that the Ukrainian weight-lifters became the prizewinners of competitions, was conducted: I.Shepelianskyi, and Zhukov, D.Echt, L.Alex, and Orlean. The first Ukrainian olympiad took place in Kharkiv in 1922.
Championships of the USSR in 1927 took place already on new rules: qualifying digits (novices, 1 and 2) were inculcated, participants were distributed on 6 gravimetric categories. In 1936 Championships of the USSR and Ukraine were conducted on the program in new gravimetric categories close to international and the Heavy-weight section moved away from the sections of fight and boxing.
Championships of Ukraine in 1936 passed in Donbas (Irmino). A winner first the 20-years-old resident of Kiev became I. Kutsenko and Kyrychenko and set the first record of the USSR in a jerk. In 1938 he showed first from the weight-lifters of the former USSR in the sum of heavy category. On All-union championship in 1939 20-years-old resident of Kiev of G. Novak set the duty record of the USSR in the press (118,1 kg), and in two years on competitions "Ukraine-Russia" showed in a gravimetric category 75 kg phenomenal for that time sum 400 kg (the press-125, jerk-120, push-155.

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реферат "History of the power of sport in Ukraine (Історія виникнення силових видів спорту на Україні)" з предмету "Англійська мова". Робота є оригінальною та абсолютно унікальною, тобто знайти її на інших ресурсах мережі Інтернет просто неможливо. Дата та час публікації: 07.09.2012 в 21:26. Автором даного матеріалу є Ирина. З моменту опублікування роботи її переглянуто 223 та скачано 34 раз(ів). Для ознайомлення з відгуками щодо роботи натисніть [перейти до коментарів]. По п'ятибальній шкалі користувачі порталу оцінили роботу в "5.0" балів.


nice article