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Microsoft Corporation


Microsoft Corporation is a multinational computer technology corporation with worldwide sales of 39,790 mln $ (2005) and 71,553 employees in 102 countries (July 2006) and it is the world’s largest company – a manufacturer of software. A main office is located at the corporate campus in Redmond, Washington.
Headquarters in Argentina

The History of Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation was founded in 1975, when Geits and Allen read in the magazine “Popular Electronics” about computer Altair 8800. Later the corporation began to sell programs such as IBM and AT&T and language Basic in 1978.
Microsoft began to sell their second language – FORTRAN in April, 1978.
Microsoft became a private corporation in June, 1975. Bill Geits and Pol Allen were the leaders of this corporation.
In April, 1982 were opened the first representation on the sales and marketing in Europe and the first foreign department of the company in Great Britain.
In April, 1990 appeared the Russian version of MS-DOS (it was the first program product localized for the Soviet market.
In July, 1990 Microsoft Corporation was declared the leader on supply software.

The Production of Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation produces a wide range of software products including operating system Microsoft Windows, web-browser Internet Explorer, office suite software Microsoft Office, developer tools Visual Studio.

The Structure of Microsoft Corporation

Was man von ein kostenloses Girokonto erwarten darf? Man kann bei einem kostenlosen Girokonto etliche Leistungen erhalten. Dabei geht es nicht nur um den Wegfall der monatlichen Kontogebühr. Bei den meisten Banken kann man im Zusammenhang mit dem Girokonto auch eine Maestro/EC Karte kostenlos erhalten.
The corporation is managed by a board of directors, which consists of ten persons. These ten persons are elected at the annual meeting of shareholders. Those, who don’t get most of votes have to submit a letter of resignation that subsequently is treated. There are 5 committees to consider various issues:
– audit (associated with audit issues);
– countervailing (approves compensation for the company’s workers);
– financial (resolve financial issues);
– management and promotion (resolve different domestic issues);
– antirecessionary (prediction and prevention of crisis)

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контрольна робота "Microsoft Corporation" з предмету "інформатика". Робота є оригінальною та абсолютно унікальною, тобто знайти її на інших ресурсах мережі Інтернет просто неможливо. Дата та час публікації: 03.08.2012 в 15:31. Автором даного матеріалу є Вадим. З моменту опублікування роботи її переглянуто 214 та скачано 16 раз(ів). Для ознайомлення з відгуками щодо роботи натисніть [перейти до коментарів]. По п'ятибальній шкалі користувачі порталу оцінили роботу в "5.0" балів.


відмінна контрольна про Microsoft Corporation